Broadleaf Weeds 

Broadleaf weeds are a common problem, but they can be effectively managed with the right know-how. From pre-emergent herbicides to hand weeding, various techniques are available to help keep broadleaf weed populations under control.

We will, over time, explore the different types of broadleaf weeds and what you can do to manage them effectively. The list is long, so it will take a while to get them all covered. (We will refine this list over time)

Common Broadleaf Weeds

Alyceclover (Oneleaf Clover)
American Burnweed (Fireweed)
Asiatic Hawksbeard
Asiatic Pennywort (Centella, Coinwart)
Bitter Sneezeweed
Black Medic
Bracted Plantain
Brazil Pusley
Bristly Mallow
Broadleaf Pink Purslane
Broadleaf Plantain
Buckhorn Plantain
Bushy Aster
Bushy Buttonweed
Carolina Falsedandelion
Carolina Geranium (Wild Gerarnium, Crane’s-bill, Stork’s-bill)
Catchweed Bedstraw
Cetsear Dandelion
Chamberbitter (Niruri, Gripeweed, Leafflower)
Coat Buttons (Mexican Daisy)
Common Beggarticks (Hairy Beggarsticks)
Common Chickweed
Common Lespedeza (Annual Lespedeza, Japanese Clover)
Common Mullein
Common Purslane
Common Ragweed
Common Venuslookingglass
Corn Speedwell
Creeping Beggarweed
Creeping Indigo
Cuban Purple Woodsorrel
Cupid’s-Shaving-Brush (Tassel-flower)
Curly Dock
Cutleaf Eveningprimrose
Dogfennel (Summer Cedar)
Field Madder
Field Pansy (Johnny-Jump-Up)
Field Violet
Florida Bellflower
Florida Betony (Rattlesnake Weed)
Florida Pusley
Gaillardia (Blanket-flower, Bandana Daisy, Rose-ring Gaillardia, Indian Blanket)
Garden Spurge
Ground Ivy
Hairy Bittercress
Hairy Buttercup
Heartleaf Drymary (West Indian Chickweed)
Hemp Sesbania
Horseweed (Marestail)
Hyssop Spurge
Indian Mockstrawberry
Jamaica Feverplant ( Punctureweed, Burnut, Puncturevine)
Large Hop Clover
Largeflower Pusley
Lawn Burweed (Spurweed)
Livid Amaranth
Longstalked Phyllanthus
Marsh Bedstraw
Mat Lippia ( Matchweed, Match Head)
Mimosa Vine (Sensitive Vine)
Musk Thistle (Nodding Thistle)
Narrowleaf Cudweed
Narrowleaf Vetch (Common Vetch)
Old World Diamond-flower
Oldfield Cinquefoil
Oldfield Toadflax
Paleseed Plantain (Souther Plantain)
Pinnate Tansymustard
Prostrate Knotweed
Purple Cudweed
Purple Deadnettle
Purslane Speedwell (Neckweed)
Rabbitfoot Clover
Red Sorrel (Sheep Sorrel, Sourgrass, Indian Cane)
Red Spiderling
Redstem Filaree
Rough Fleabane (Daisy Fleabane, White-tops)
Roundleaf Spurge
Rustweed (Polypremen)
Sand Vetch
Sand-dune Spurge
Shiny Cudweed
Showy Eveningprimrose
Slender Amaranth
Small Hop Clover (Low Hop Clover)
Smallflower Buttercup
Smooth Chaff-flower
Smooth Pigweed (Common Pigweed)
Southern Fleabane
Southern Pencil-flower
Southern Sida
Spiny Sowthistle
Spotted Burclover
Spotted Spurge (Prostrate Spurge)
Sprawling Horseweed
Spreading Pricklypear (Prickly Cactus)
Stalked Chickenweed
Sticky Chickweed (Sticky Cerastium)
Stiff Verbena (Tuber Vervain, Roadside Vervain)
Tall Lettuce (Wild Lettuce)
Threeflower Beggarweed
Tufted Knotweed (Smartweed)
Virginia Buttonweed
Virginia Dwarfdandelion (Krigia Dandelion)
Virginia Pepperweed
Wandering Cudweed
Wedelia (Creeping Oxeye)
White Clover
Whitehead Broom
Wild Carrot (Queen Anne’s Lace)
Yellow Thistle (Horrible Thistle)
Yellow Woodsorrel ( Oxalis )