Healthy-Turf Treatment Programs
With our Healthy-Turf Programs, we start with at least the BASE program level of treatments on every property. Think of having one of these treatment programs as giving your turfgrass a multivitamin. Setting this relatively low-level starting point for programs on each property we serve with treatments provides the basis for building a Healthy-Turf lawn as we move forward.
Note: Each of our Healthy-Turf Treatment Programs can also be provided as a pesticide-free program.
BASE Treatment Program Level
- Spring Pre & Post-Emergent / Pesticide (Mixed Application)
- Spring GreenUp Turf Fertilizer Treatment
- Summer Fertilizer & FireAnt Control
- Fall Pre & Post-Emergent / Pesticide (Mixed Application)
PLUS Treatment Program Level
- Spring Pre & Post-Emergent / Pesticide (Mixed Application)
- Spring Turf Root Stimulator Treatment
- Spring GreenUp Turf Fertilizer Treatment
- Summer Fertilizer & FireAnt Control
- Fall Turf Root Stimulator Treatment
- Fall Pre & Post-Emergent / Pesticide (Mixed Application)
PREMIUM Treatment Program Level
- Spring Pre & Post-Emergent / Pesticide (Mixed Application)
- Spring Turf Root Stimulator Treatment
- Spring GreenUp Turf Fertilizer Treatment
- Turf Core Aeration Service
- Summer Pre/Post Weed Control Treatment
- Summer Fertilizer & FireAnt Control
- Fall Turf Root Stimulator Treatment
- Fall Pre & Post-Emergent / Pesticide (Mixed Application)