Turf Care

Organic Matter Buildup

Organic Matter Buildup

An overabundance of organic matter left to decompose on a lawn is more than just an eyesore; it can also be hazardous to your turf. When excess grass clippings, layers of leaves, and other excess organic matter are not adequately removed from the turf and disposed of,...

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Too Much Fertilizer Is Bad For Turf

Too Much Fertilizer Is Bad For Turf

Having a beautiful, lush lawn is the goal of many homeowners, and turf fertilizer is an essential part of caring for a lawn, but too much can be detrimental to turf growth. While it is necessary to give your lawn the proper nutrients to keep it healthy and vibrant,...

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Broadleaf Weeds & What To Do About Them

Broadleaf Weeds & What To Do About Them

Weeds are unwelcome on any lawn, but grassy weeds such as crabgrass are not the only ones you need to worry about. Broadleaf weeds can be just as difficult to eradicate, and they require a different approach than you would use for grassy weeds. These pesky plants can...

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Post-Emergent Weed Control

Post-Emergent Weed Control

Know What Your Dealing WithIf you're looking to eradicate weeds from your turf, then you need to understand which weeds you're dealing with, as well as the best methods and solutions for eliminating them.Weeds are an unwelcome and invasive nuisance in various...

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Don’t Give Weeds A Chance

Don’t Give Weeds A Chance

Pre-Emergent HerbicideWeeds are a nuisance to any garden or landscape and are a common problem for landscapers and gardeners everywhere, as they can take over quickly and make it difficult to keep your space looking neat and organized. Even with diligent weed removal,...

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